
Patterdale C of E Primary School

A loving family in a unique environment

After School Clubs

Our AfteSchool Clubs

The school operates various after-school clubs throughout the year. We'll let parents know in advance which clubs are coming up - so please do read the school newsletters and emails thoroughly.  Examples of our clubs include:


  • Art Club
  • Sports Clubs (Cricket, Tennis etc)
  • Film Club
  • Gym Club
  • Gardening Club
  • Forest School
  • Karate Club


If you’d like any more information on any of these clubs or activities or would like to volunteer to help out then please contact us at the school office via or on 017684 82383.

Current After School Clubs:


Summer Term 2023 after-school clubs:

  • Cricket Club (first half of Summer Term)
  • Tennis Club (second half of Summer Term)
  • Yoga sessions 