
Patterdale C of E Primary School

A loving family in a unique environment


Our EYFS Curriculum 

Children can start Patterdale CofE Primary School in Nursery the term after their third birthday where we provide fifteen hours of education per week during term time. In Reception children, after an initial induction, are in for five full days.


Nursery and Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. There are four guiding principles that shape our practice at Patterdale Cofe Primary School, and these are:


  • Every child is a unique child
  • They will learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults
  • The importance of learning and development


This is broken down into 7 areas of learning of learning & development which are then split up into three Prime areas and four Specific areas:


Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development


Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design


Underpinning these seven areas of learning and development are the characteristics of effective teaching and learning.


  • Playing & exploring - children investigating and experiencing things (having a go at stuff!)
  • Active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements
  • Creating and thinking critically - children have their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


We provide an exciting and challenging curriculum based on children's needs, interests and stages. We do this through play which is crucial in enhancing children’s ability to learn. It provides children with important opportunities to socialise and talk about what they are doing. Outdoor learning is particularly important in our curriculum and children make use of our engaging and spectacular local environment. We pride ourselves in working closely with parents and carers so that we can meet every child's needs.


We have used our knowledge of our pupils when they join us in EYFS alongside our school values and vision to decide upon our Key Outcomes.


We work towards all our children becoming independent lifelong learners by enabling them to develop the skills they need to become confident and successful in ‘achieving their best together’.


Our Key Outcomes for our EYFS children, alongside the Early Learning Goals are:


  • I am independent in my learning and in my self-care.
  • I am a curious and active learner, engaging with the natural world with awe and wonder.
  • I can collaborate and co-operate with others, showing kindness and thoughtfulness.
  • I can encourage and can communicate with others with confidence.
  • I am resilient and rise to a range of challenges.
  • I can manage risks appropriately and bravely.


Intent Statement

Learning in EYFS at Patterdale CofE School starts with the child; our curriculum changes and develops to reflect the individual needs of the children as they progress through Nursery and/or Reception.


It is our intention that the curriculum will adapt to reflect the individual needs of each cohort, through a balanced approach of child-initiated and adult-led learning, underpinned by sustained, shared thinking in addition to the seven principles of effective practice. Learning takes place in meaningful contexts across the seven areas of learning, supporting all our children to become active and curious learners and promoting a lifelong love of learning. We will work in partnership with families to support our children to grow as individuals as well as to support transitions to Nursery, Reception and beyond.  We want to enable children to grow as individuals, develop key skills such as independence, resilience as well as their communication skills, a sense of awe and wonder and a positive attitude to growing their learning. Across EYFS at Patterdale CofE School there will be a strong focus on developing communication and language skills.  We will build on the language development of children through the promotion of conversations, linking their language skills to their skills of listening and responding appropriately to stories and rhymes, which enables them to develop a love of reading.



The children take part in baseline assessment on entry into Nursery and Reception within the first six weeks. Continuous assessment occurs throughout the year through observation, photos, and group/class/individual work. At the end of Reception year, the teacher and teaching assistant will have built up a profile of assessments, which will then be discussed with the parents or carers, in readiness for year 1 of the National Curriculum. Please note a full policy statement on the EYFS curriculum is available on request.


To view the current term’s Topic Webs and photographs of some of the activities that we do to cover the seven areas of learning, please visit the 'Class Pages' section of our website which can be found under the 'Children' button at the top of the Home Page.

EYFS Intent/Progression Map (Updated May 2022)
