
Patterdale C of E Primary School

A loving family in a unique environment

Paver Project Fundraiser!

As part of our 150th birthday celebrations we've launched an exciting new venture giving members of the local community, local businesses and the public the chance to ‘sponsor’ part of the school’s new paved frontage for posterity in the form of an engraved stone paver!


The pavers can be engraved with a family or business name and will be laid in front of the school during the summer holidays. In total there will be 52 large pavers each with five engravings, and 26 smaller pavers with 4 engravings, with each 15-character engraving priced at £195. A limited number of whole pavers with up to 60 characters can be sponsored for £550. Additional characters are available at £7 each upon request.


Orders are available on a first come first served basis and all monies raised after costs will go towards the purchase of much-needed IT equipment for the school.

Please support our school and help us raise money to purchase much-needed IT equipment by sponsoring a paver. To do so simply download the order form below (in PDF or WORD format), fill it in, and return it to school, thank you! If you have any questions or require further information then don't hesitate to contact the school via or on 017684 82383.
