A loving family in a unique environment
Patterdale C of E Primary School
Patterdale, Cumbria
CA11 0NL
Headteacher: Mrs N Steels
All school staff can be contacted directly at the school. All initial enquiries should be directed through the School Business Managers, Mandy Howard-Carter and Jonathan Holdsworth, using the contact details above.
Appointments are preferred but not essential if the matter is urgent.
Problems or issues regarding your child’s education at Patterdale should be discussed initially with the class teacher. If the matter cannot be resolved by this means, the Headteacher should be contacted.
A paper copy of any information on this website is available free of charge, please contact the School Business Managers via the telephone number or email address at the top of this page.
Miss N Reay (Senior Teacher), info@patterdale.cumbria.sch.uk, 017684 82383
Our school is located next to the A592 half-way between the Patterdale Hotel and St Patrick's Church. Please see the location map and post code below. If in doubt please contact us! Parking is in the lay-by directly in front of the school, or by prior arrangement in our staff car park at the south end of the school.